of a freak, and almost any one can be a TV.

With these thoughts in mind, I would appreciate any informa- tion you can supply, so please send it to the above address, under the name that I chose to be known by as a TV.

Yours sincerely,

Marie (CA)

Dear Carol:

Thank you so much for your reply to my letter. Needless to say, I was, and still and still am, excited about the information which you sent, and the doors that it might open for me.

I'll give you just a brief history, as I suspect my story is one you have heard many times:

I have had the urge to dress as a female since almost as far back as I can remember. First my mother's nylons and high heels, and in a short time, skirts, dresses, etc. My most popular fantasy was that on one Halloween I would dress as a girl. Alas, this never occurred, as I was too nervous to ever go through with it. My father would never have understood, as he is very masculine and dominant. In fact, this seems to be the only factor that I can pin- point as to the possible reason for my condition. I never went through "petticoat punishment," etc. I was normal (and am still) in all other respects. My sexual drive, apart from wanting to be in skirts, is completely heterosexual. This is what really excites me about your organization. Up until now, my only correspondence has been with a few organizations on the east coast who seem to imply homosexuality, bondage, and the whole gamut, when then talk about transvestism.

I am happily married and have a daughter (from my wife's
